Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Haikus Holiday

Our class has been learning about four different ways people celebrate during the Christmas season. We have learned about Hanukkah, Santa, Posada and Kwanzaa.

 Mrs. Lay and Mrs. Selthin come and volunteer with us during our lessons. They helped us to make pictures of Hanukkah.
Here is a picture of kids making our decoration about Holidays around the world.

 We are finally finished with our project.

Stay tuned for a video of us reading our Haiku's.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas around the world

Our class is learning about ways that different cultures around the world celebrate different Holidays. One of the celebrations we are studying is the Mexican Christmas tradition called the Posada.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Great educators !

Here we have three great educators.
Which one is Mrs. Walters?
Which one is tallest?
Which one is wearing gray pants?
Who is wearing the colors black and gray?

What is regrouping?

Our class has been learning a lot about numbers this year!! These are some of the things the kids have learned.
  • Some numbers are odd and some are even
  • Some numbers have patterns
  • Some numbers are greater and some are less
  • Sometimes the ones column is hiding a group of ten
  • Some numbers have more than one digit
  • Sometimes the tens column is hiding a group of hundreds
  • Sometimes the hundreds column might be hiding a group of thousands
  • you can take numbers apart
  • you can add or put numbers together
  • numbers can be in fact families

This month we are going to think some more about numbers and how they are related. We are going to learn about regrouping. Students are going to use beans to represent number groups.

1.  Represent with beans 3 tens and 15 ones.

2. Represent with beans 2 tens and 11 ones.

3. Represent with beans 6 tens and 19 ones.

What we learned about regrouping.
  • Sometimes a ten is hiding in the ones
  • If you want to make counting tens and ones easier, regroup the numbers
  • A hundred could be hiding in the tens.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

snow flake adjectives

An Adjective is a word that describes a noun. Today our class made a web about words that describe the noun snowflake.

First our class got into groups to brainstorm, in a web, adjectives describing a snowflake.

Next, we created snowflakes and used our adjectives to frame our creation!

Do you know any fun adjectives that describe snowflakes?

Good bye Friend

Dear Friend,
     This letter is to our friend who is moving to another state. We want to say good bye to you friend. We will miss you a lot. You are a funny friend. You are handsome. Thank you for being nice by playing with people, and helping people when they fall. Your best friend J... will miss you. I hope  you feel good at your new school. I hope you get a bunch of new friends. We will miss you!!
                        Your Friends,
                          Super smart second graders :)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hi kids and families!! Hope you're enjoying Thanksgiving. Did your family eat any foods similar to those eaten by the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkey Trot Day, November 23, 2011

Turkey Trot Day, November 23, 2011
This poem has two patterns that were identified by Mrs. Walters Super Smart Second Graders.The patterns for this Thanksgiving poem  are:

1. Each Stanza has an AB syllable pattern . The syllable pattern is 7, 6, 7,6.

2.In this poem all of the lines with 6 syllables have a rhyming word at the end.

Can you see any other patterns?

We are making Thanksgiving cards to our families. We are making five sentences to our families.