Reviewer's Club

Katie Woo written by Fran Manushkin is AR 2.0-2.9.
Read about all of the funny things Katie gets herself into.

 Princess Pig written by Ellen Spinelli is AR level 2.1.
Read to find out if the pig is a real princess.

 The Cow That Laid an Egg written by Andy Cutbill is AR level 2.6.
Do cows really lay eggs? Read this book to find out if this cow really laid an egg.

Math Start series written by Stuart Murphy is AR level 1.9- 2.5.
In these books the character have math experiences like estimating and adding. Read these books to use your math and reasoning skills to predict what happens.

 Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah ( A Letter from Camp.) written by  Allan Sherman and Lou Busch AR level 2.2.
This book is about a letter that a little boy writes to his mother and father about camp. Find out what the boy thinks of camp. 

Don't Lick the Dog: Making Friends with Dogs written by Wendy Wahman AR level 1.9.
In this exciting story you will learn what to do and not do when getting to know a dog.

Chicken, Pig, Cow on the Move written by Ruth Oni AR level 1.4.
In this book Chicken, Pig and Cow think the barn is too crowded. So they decide to roam the farm to find a need home. Read this book to see where the animals find to live.