Sometimes we have to subtract to solve an addition problem.
What is the missing number?
18 + ___ = 26
Let's go over the steps with Mr. Jeff and solve some equations!!
Let's go over the steps with Mr. Jeff and solve some equations!!
First, we think about the numbers in the addition problem.
This causes us to notice that our equation has two parts and a whole. (part + part = whole)
Only one of the parts is missing!
Next, we change the equation so that we can find the missing part. We start with the whole 26 and take part 18 away.
26 - 18=_____
Last, we can subtract to solve the addition problem.
1. Circle the ones
2. More on top, no need to stop. More on the floor, go next door and get 10 more.
Let's ask: do we need to regroup?
3. We are going to catch 8 in our hand and count up to 16. Then we stop!
4. The missing part will be on our fingers:)
Let's do it together!!
Raise your hand if you know the answer!
5. Check your subtraction with additon to see if it's correct.
Whole - part = part
part + part = whole
Our part + part did equal our whole!!
You guys are so smart.